Friday 30 January 2009

The First Day We Filmed

OUr first filming day was on the 30th of january. we tried to film as much as we could in one because of the whether conditions, because day whether could be completely different on another day and would not be alright for us to do more filming.

As we begun to film we decided to film the same scene multiple times at different angles so that we could select the best shots that would fit the film better and also so we could match cut.

As A group we decided to film during the day time were there was natural daylight. plus the whether on the was perfect for the vibe we was looking for. Plus the area was quite dark because it was blocked of by buildings making it dark due to the shadows it created.

We had around 2 and half hours to film on that particular day. and during that time we managed to film the beginning, and middle of the film.

Thats all we did for that day

Thursday 29 January 2009

1 day of filming

The first day of filming our group decided the perfect costume so it could match with the genre. on the first our group filmed three shot which introduced nathan with the medium shot so it could show the mise-un scene and his costume. on our first day we also filmed kirsty walking to towards the camera from the group of blocks.  

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Finding Location

well during class we had some free time on our hands. so the teacher said if we wanted, we could go out and look for a location for our thriller if we didnt have one already.
and my group didnt so we decided to look around the local area browsing to see if theres any nice locations that we could shot of movie clip. and then we came across a council estate that looked perfect for us to shoot out thriller. so now we were set for a good location and next time we go back there we would start the filming process


our group went out to look for location and had to decide the location that would be suitable for our genre. we found three different location that our group had to decide which was group of flat, bushes and the location that we used which near group of woods and blocks. so our group decided to take some still images to take back to classroom and futher decision.

Practice Filming Session

For the practice filming session we were given the task of creating a clip where, a conversation had to take place, and where at least one match cut is used. A match cut is where the same action is made from at least two views. We had to make it thrilling, and this was done by having a mysterious envelope with the words warning do not open. the match cuts we did (about 3) were good, because we had planned them in advance, and we edited them successfully. However, at the end, the match cut did not quite work out because of the fact, we did not have enough footage to edit the very end favorably. Our short film made sense, because we planned in advance, and had a list of shots to follow.
During our clip, i learnt that, we need to make sure that, for the main thriller, we make sure the surroundings are the same, and that our reactions, and movements are the same, so that the mise en scene is accurate. We managed to create a sense of suspense by using the envelope, and by not showing the face of the actor delivering it.
Unfortunately we forgot to use the 5 second rule, and when it came to editing made it slightly more challenging, however we overcame this, because of the planning beforehand.
I don't believe in copyright, so i would like to think that we didn't use conventions from other thriller films, but i have not see many thrillers so i can't be sure of this.
For this practical we got a positive feedback, and i am overall pleased with this practice filming session

Practice Filming Session - Match Cut

During our practice filming session we were given a brief and were told to film and use at least a match cut in our final editing. The brief was about two people conversing and we were told to make it as thrilling as possible.
We were very happy with our camera work, we filmed shots from many different angles and used these in our editing.
Some shots were not very successful, such as our birds eye shot and we did not include this in our final clip.
Our editing was very successful as we were able to use most of our clips and they all seemed to work together well. We were able to use match cut successfully, more than once.
Through editing our short film made sense, as we narrated the story through camera shots, dialogue and props.
Our soundtrack helped add to the suspense in our film, as we used a fast paced beat, which seemed to speed up the suspense.
During our filming we forgot to use the extra five seconds whilst filming, however we were quite lucky as this did not really affect our editing.
Our teacher and class seemed to enjoy the clip and we were given back quite positive feedback.
I am happy with our clip, however I do believe that our camera shots could have been more developed. I do however like our final film, and believe that this will help make our thriller better.
Our use of planning helped speed up our filming and thus we were able to complete our clip on time.

Practice Movie Session - Nathan Gallimore

the task my group was given was to match cut a brief that was given to us by the teacher. the brief was to have a man walk into a room and meet another character and we had to camera shots to make it thrilling.

during this practical i was quite pleased with the camera work i felt it suited the image we was looking for. there was a shot that could of been improved which was the high angle shot. it was hard to capture this shot accurately.

i think the editing went quite well with all the footage that we captured the only problem was my group forgot to follow the 5 second rule therefore editing was'nt as good as it could of been if we followed the rule. i think the film made sense, you could tell what was happening whilst watching the film, therefore i felt it made sense and so did other that had reviewed it.

i feel like i've learned alot about mise-en-scene, because there's things that the audience spots in the background and can relate it to a genre type or possibly can predict what could happen in the film before it happens.

my group manage to create a element of suspense. i think we created it by hiding nathan's face which was the character playing the man walking into the room. it created suspense because the audience will always be questioning who is that man because you cant see he's face.

my group forgot to follow the 5 second rule before and after each shot that we had taken.

i think we used conventions that you would find in other thrillers. why? because we used a package and a mystery man which is a perfect example of what other thrillers use.

feedback from the teacher and class was that it was a good film but the was a few mistake that the could spot and indicate straight away, and that was mainly the match cutting. other than that the said it was a good practice film.

on this practical overall i feel that my group did a fairly good job since this is the first film that either of us has ever recorded. so i feel there's plenty of time for improvements.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Friday 2 January 2009

Yusef- practice filming session

The task was to match cut a scenario which was provided by a member of staff. The brief was to have a character which is Nathan walking into a room and meets another character Kirsty to conversate.

I was very happy with the camera work because it suited the story line and also the scenario. The most successful shots was the close up of the main characters foot to create tension and make the clip thrilling. on the other hand the shot that i think did not work was the high angel shot because as i was the camera man, i could not put my hand over the door because the camera was too big and also i couldn't hold the camera long enough therefore the shot did not show the mis-en scene properly.

the editing consumed time which was negative point about our editing but from that i learnt alot and hope to improve during the real clip. the editing finished very successful because our group new what we wanted from our finished touch. The film that we produced did make sense and all the other people watching it understand the story line.

i learnt that if mise- en scene is wrong then the film will not be thrilling and will not make sense.
The element of suspense that we created was the main character did not show their face and created audience had question on how he looks like and why they could not see his face.

the things that we forgot was to do the 5 sec rule and i have learnt from this and hopefully learn from this mistake.
the feedback that we got from our teacher was the mistake of 5 sec rule and apart from that we did great.

i enjoyed the practice and i found the story line really enjoyable.