Friday 2 January 2009

Yusef- practice filming session

The task was to match cut a scenario which was provided by a member of staff. The brief was to have a character which is Nathan walking into a room and meets another character Kirsty to conversate.

I was very happy with the camera work because it suited the story line and also the scenario. The most successful shots was the close up of the main characters foot to create tension and make the clip thrilling. on the other hand the shot that i think did not work was the high angel shot because as i was the camera man, i could not put my hand over the door because the camera was too big and also i couldn't hold the camera long enough therefore the shot did not show the mis-en scene properly.

the editing consumed time which was negative point about our editing but from that i learnt alot and hope to improve during the real clip. the editing finished very successful because our group new what we wanted from our finished touch. The film that we produced did make sense and all the other people watching it understand the story line.

i learnt that if mise- en scene is wrong then the film will not be thrilling and will not make sense.
The element of suspense that we created was the main character did not show their face and created audience had question on how he looks like and why they could not see his face.

the things that we forgot was to do the 5 sec rule and i have learnt from this and hopefully learn from this mistake.
the feedback that we got from our teacher was the mistake of 5 sec rule and apart from that we did great.

i enjoyed the practice and i found the story line really enjoyable.

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