Tuesday 27 January 2009

Practice Filming Session - Match Cut

During our practice filming session we were given a brief and were told to film and use at least a match cut in our final editing. The brief was about two people conversing and we were told to make it as thrilling as possible.
We were very happy with our camera work, we filmed shots from many different angles and used these in our editing.
Some shots were not very successful, such as our birds eye shot and we did not include this in our final clip.
Our editing was very successful as we were able to use most of our clips and they all seemed to work together well. We were able to use match cut successfully, more than once.
Through editing our short film made sense, as we narrated the story through camera shots, dialogue and props.
Our soundtrack helped add to the suspense in our film, as we used a fast paced beat, which seemed to speed up the suspense.
During our filming we forgot to use the extra five seconds whilst filming, however we were quite lucky as this did not really affect our editing.
Our teacher and class seemed to enjoy the clip and we were given back quite positive feedback.
I am happy with our clip, however I do believe that our camera shots could have been more developed. I do however like our final film, and believe that this will help make our thriller better.
Our use of planning helped speed up our filming and thus we were able to complete our clip on time.

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