Tuesday 27 January 2009

Practice Filming Session

For the practice filming session we were given the task of creating a clip where, a conversation had to take place, and where at least one match cut is used. A match cut is where the same action is made from at least two views. We had to make it thrilling, and this was done by having a mysterious envelope with the words warning do not open. the match cuts we did (about 3) were good, because we had planned them in advance, and we edited them successfully. However, at the end, the match cut did not quite work out because of the fact, we did not have enough footage to edit the very end favorably. Our short film made sense, because we planned in advance, and had a list of shots to follow.
During our clip, i learnt that, we need to make sure that, for the main thriller, we make sure the surroundings are the same, and that our reactions, and movements are the same, so that the mise en scene is accurate. We managed to create a sense of suspense by using the envelope, and by not showing the face of the actor delivering it.
Unfortunately we forgot to use the 5 second rule, and when it came to editing made it slightly more challenging, however we overcame this, because of the planning beforehand.
I don't believe in copyright, so i would like to think that we didn't use conventions from other thriller films, but i have not see many thrillers so i can't be sure of this.
For this practical we got a positive feedback, and i am overall pleased with this practice filming session

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