Monday 9 March 2009

Day one of filming

We started our filming on the 30th of January. We knew we had to get quite a lot done as our deadline was nearby. We started filming from the middle of our storyboard rather than the beginning. This is because our storyline is a flashback and the film begins from the end and goes back.

When filming, we did the same shot from many different angles, this way when it came to editing we could choose from the different shots and put them together.

We decided to use natural lighting, and the weather for the day was exactly as we needed, it was quite bright, but the place we were filming was shadowed and therefore was perfect.

We had three hours on the day for our media lesson, and we used as much of the time we could to do our filming.

By the end of the day, we had shot the middle and end of our thriller.

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