Friday 27 March 2009

second day of filming

on the second day of filming according to our storyboard we had to complete about 10 to 15 shots to finish our thriller. The most difficult part of our second day of filming was the birds eye- view shot because we weren’t allowed to enter the flat but someone let us in to film the shot. It was very difficult to get the perfect height because the first floor was too close to the characters and the second was too far so our group struggled but final decided the second floor.

On our second day, the female character Kristy had to seat on mud so the introduction could create a change of atmosphere to the block of flats and create tension. I think during the process of producing this shot our group consumed a lot of time because it needed to be perfect as this was the introduction shot therefore it had to attract our audience's attention. All the other shot went smoothly because we used our storyboard well because we knew exactly what shot was needed.

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