Thursday 26 March 2009

Editing - Final

On our final lesson, we started on the music and finished filming and editing.
Kirsty, Nathan and Yusef had left to do the filming of the last few shots, and so I began the music. We wanted something thrilling but simple and went through the music on Soundtrack Pro to find something suitable.
Once they had returned we uploaded and logged and captured all the clips. We had trouble with the tape, as it would not play properly. We were unable to fix it, and had to redo one of the shots.
Me and Kirsty then left Nathan and Yusef to finish the music and we went to do the last shot of zooming out of her eye.
When we had got to our location, we did the zoom out a few different times and re-watched it to check that the tape was working.
Once we saw it was fine, we headed back.

In college, the other group members had finished the track, we added and edited the rest of the shots and then started on effects and transitions.
We had used a transition in our first scene when fading and zooming into the eye and we needed a different effect on our flashbacks.
We looked at many different effects which helped show that it was in the past, and once we had found a suitable one - vinegarette, we added this to all the flashback scenes.
Another effect had been used to give a CCTV effect, we used this as the shot had been filmed from a high angle to look like a camera, and therefore all that was needed was the effect.

We played around with the brightness, but found that with the new effects it was not necessary to change anything else.

We began on the title and credits, we decided the writing should be white, as it stood out with the background and after we had done the credit introduction, we did the title "possessions" on livetype, this was our fist time using it but we picked it up very quickly and easily. We then added in the music from Soundtrack Pro.

After all this had been done, we had finally finished our thriller opening!

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