Friday 20 March 2009

Day two

We began to finish our filming.
As mentioned before, we had most of the filming done and all that was needed were the birds eye view shots and the beginning of our story.
We had decided to change our story's ending as we believed that it would be better to return to the girl laying on the floor, meaning that we now had another three scenes left to do.

There was scaffolding aroung much of our area, and we had to make sure to get all our filming done before they started work on our specific settings.

We began filmng our birds eye view shot first, as this was the cleanest shot we had left to do. This bit of the thriller, is watching the two characters; Kirsty and Nathan barge into each other.
This shot was filmed from a few different floors; the second, third and fourth floor of the flats around us.
It was done like this as we needed to get a clear picture of the characters as well as making it look good for our thriller, and when coming to editing it would be easier to choose the best angle.
After we had successfully done this, we did our last few shots of Nathan following Kirsty after barging into her, and then started on Kirsty's shots of sitting on the floor.

We left the beginning part till last as this meant getting dirty, and we only had one outfit for the character (Kirsty) and therefore we left it till the very end.
The location was in a different state to how we last left it as it was wet from the day before, we had Kirsty sit on the floor and although she was quite reluctant to do so, she fulfilled the part as the actress and did well.
As it is a thriller, we had to make sure the setting was playing its role, we decided to do noticeable things such as throwing Kirsty's coat over a tree, having one shoe laying in front of her and her tights ripped and legs muddy. This was done to make it more thrilling and show that it was obvious something had happened to her.
This last scene was zooming into Kirsty's eye. This was quite a difficult shot to do for me, as we had to make sure that it zoomed in well enough, so when it came to editing it would be easier to fade to black.
The pan of mise en scene, I think was the best shot and I think our choice of location and how the scene was set, along with the actress made it look brilliant.

In this session we had done everything that was left of our filming, and were able to go back with all our shots.

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