Friday 27 March 2009


My media project uses forms of real media products, we found a suitable location that has a slightly eerie atmosphere to it, to set a thrilling mise en scene, we did this because it would seem more realistic, and bearing in mind more than one location, made it more like a real media project. The body language used was also very realistic, although could have been improved, because as media students, we didn’t have the time or money for special coaching on being scared, or worried. So we tried to develop the feeling as best as we could. The costumes we had were just simple, a blouse, a straight grey skirt, black high heels, and a navy blue coat, was what I wore for my costume, again we didn’t have the time or money for searching out a really good costume, so the costume was not as convincing as it would have been if it were a real media project. The editing, camera movement, shots, and genre were all developed from real media projects we watched, as our genre was thriller, we watched thrillers and based shots, camera movements and editing on those we watched. For example, I watched the physiological thriller “don’t look now” and in that film, one thing is focused on, and that is the colour red. I thought that the idea of focusing on one thing in the film was a good idea, and so we based our thriller around a bag, with the bag being the focal point, we decided to call out piece “possessions.”

This worked really well, and that is the way we shot our film, with ideas in our heads from real media projects, this way we could make ours more realistic and develop it better. The use of colour in our media project was not that important, we chose to shoot in daylight, because that was really all that was available, as lessons finished before it got dark, and it would be dangerous to be out at night with camera equipment, so the use of colour, was more challenging.
The social group most obviously reflected in out media project is late teenagers, as that is the age of the actors in the project, however the actors were playing adults, in their twenties, so that would be the social group based on age. Also the costumes were different for the two actors, and one shows a higher classed social group whereas the other shows, one slightly below, also the body language reflects this. The location does not really give much information about a particular social group, but it is an empty location, by an estate, and this would maybe reflect a lower classed social group.
The kind of media institution to distribute our media project, if any, would most likely be an online distribution, this is because, it is quite a short project, being just over two minutes, with minimal effects, and only two actors, and two cameramen. It would not be quite long enough for an independent institution as their budget would be higher than ours, and so they would get a better project out of it, one more likely to sell. A major film company would not distribute ours, in its state, because the length of it would not be worth, for example people would not go to the cinema to see our media project, because they would not pay £7 to see a two minute. Ours is, however, only an opening, so maybe with further development, and more people working on the project it may be able to be distributed by a small film distributor.
The audience for our media project would be late teenagers, we would classify it as a “15” this is because, it is perhaps the widest range you can have, with it still being thrilling. It would be suitable for both males and females, as most thrillers are, and also by having it unisex it would bring a wider audience. Again, it would be for all of the cultural backgrounds, and all the social economic backgrounds, as it creates a wider audience, and with it being suitable for all cultural and social backgrounds, i.e., no racism or offensive behavior towards lower social backgrounds.
We would attract and address our audience by using, persuasive language, if we had any good reviews, we should use them for attracting audience, we would choose, up and coming stars, and big stars, if they were available. Also we would keep our genre as a thriller, as they are quite popular to our audience, the storyline would be developed and adapted to make it more thrilling, however the basis would be kept the same, we would probably try and think of a new title other than “possessions” because although “possessions” is short and to the point, we think we may have come up with a better one, under less pressure, and with more time. We would keep it at little dialogue, because, a film with lots of dialogue can get boring, there is too much to take in. however we will adapt the project to have some dialogue, because likewise, a film with no dialogue can be boring, and quite easy to misinterpret.
While doing this media project, I have learnt a lot about final cut pro, because before it, I had only used in very small amounts, and hadn’t really got the hang of it, and now I would feel confident enough to use it with someone who hadn’t used it before, as I feel I have learnt enough about it to guide someone through it. Also I learnt how to use Soundtrack, this interested me because, I found it quite hard to get the hang of, yet, exciting to make my own beat for the project, and although I feel I am no expert at it, I could use it with only one other person, at the same level of knowledge as me. I didn’t learn that much about livetype, as I only used it very briefly, and didn’t get a chance to use it a lot, or time to experiment with it.
Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel that overall I have learnt an awful lot about working in a team, being organized, because without the organization we would not have completed the task on time for the deadline, also we had to plan really well, when we would do stuff, how we would do and who would carry out the task. I learnt most about editing because it has been the most editing I have done before, and with only little understanding previously I feel I excelled within my knowledge of editing. Also I learnt a lot about the filming process, although I myself didn’t film for the genre, as I was starring in it, I did learnt about it, while watching the others, and I would have liked a chance, to film something, but it would have been unequal distribution between tasks, and it wouldn’t have been fair. Finally I feel that I have learnt a lot about the genre of thrillers, because before I had never watched a thriller, so in a way it was a really good challenge, and an overall good experience.

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