Friday 6 March 2009

Second day of filming

The second time we filmed, the weather was slightly different: on our first filming session it had been raining the day before, so there was puddles on the floor, but on the second session there wasn't. We thought this would cause a problem, but luckily, because we had got so much done on the first filming session it was no cause for problem. Also, the lighting was pretty much the same, so it was, again, an overall succesful filming session, getting all the filming finished. We were happy with this, as it meant we were back on track, after missing a potential filming session, due to adverse weather conditions.
On this filming session we agreed I was to sit on the floor, but i felt very reluctant to do this as it was muddy, and it seemed a really unpleasant idea. Fortunately i was dedicated enough to do it, and we got some fantastic shots out of it. With a smooth pan, to show the mise-en-scene, on to me, then a pan up my body, to slowly reveal the character.
So now all that was left was the editing and sound.

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