Thursday 26 March 2009

Editing Session Two.

On this editing session we had not quite so much to do, or so we thought.
It actually turned out that it was quite challenging finding the right effect, and as it was our deadline day, we were rushing, to try and get it done, which in the end we did, with great success.
However the day before this we realised that there was infact a missing clip, and that we would need to re-do it before we continue editing, so myself and Yusef went out to film this missing shot. We left Shakila and Nathan to start working on the music, so as not to lose valueble time.
When we got back, and logged and captured it appeared that this shot was not right, as you could tell it was another day, so Shakila agreed to come out and film it again, leaving Yusef with Nathan to continue the music, which was coming along nicely.
We logged and captured these shots, and they looked really good, so we put them in place, and left aside the music for a moment.
We chose a suitable effect, which made it slightly darker, but not to dark, and a very slight bluriness, this effect was called "vinergarette" and it worked really well.
When we put the complete music to the film, we thought it too fast, and it didn't fit in, so we re-started it making it slower, and less progressive, as we thought the fast beat seemed quite phony with our piece of film.
With the new piece of music added, it really came together, so all we had left was credits.
We decided to do credits for: Cinematography, Editing, Staring and Directing. We did them in a simple white font, average size, so they wouldn't take the attention away from the film.
With the deadline complete, and the film looking to our best, we let out a sigh of relief that it was finished.

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