Friday 27 March 2009


Our film starts with an establishing shot to show our target audience the Mise -en-scene and to create tension. In the background the non –diegetic sound forms tension and builds a thrilling atmosphere for our target audience. The media product, a short thriller, produced by our group, develops the forms and convention of real media product, for example: the costume of the female character Kristy. She represents high status women as the short skirt represents an office-worker, and her short-sleeved shirt represents well-presented female. The location, amongst some trees, sets a thrilling tone and an atmosphere of suspense for our target audience. This location follows the conventions of a thriller, as it is set in the late afternoon in an isolated wood. The establishing shot is a low angle, panning shot of Kristy, who is sitting amongst some waste ground looking very distressed. The audience sees the red bricks of a wall, covered in ivy, as the camera pans over to Kristy, who is clutching a large, Black Hand bag on her chest. Kristy as a vulnerable young woman, acting suspiciously with the bag, in an isolated place creates drama and suspense. In the second scene, the audience is introduced to Nathan with a medium long shot. He is young black male dressed in black hat, jacket and trainers, with dark blue jeans; he is represented as black male stereotype. Nathan is a typical black male villain as seen in real media films. He is leaving the door of a block of council flats. It is set in an urban location and the council flat suggests an urban low status. Nathan is represented as a confident character as he is walking slowly showing he is not scared of anything. The second shot is a tilt shot looking up on him showing him as physically big and powerful.

Our group used a wide range of shots for example bird’s eye view shot to show the two characters walking pass each other and Nathan barging Kristy out the way. This shot is used to show the Mise-en-scene. In our media thriller, our groups also used extreme close up on Kristy crying after the flash back. This camera shot was used to make the audience feel sympathetic towards her, by showing her expressions and her feelings close up to the audience.

Our media thriller used a black and white shot to represent a CCTV effect. This shot, shows Kristy walking towards the stairs and Nathan in the background walking past. We decided to use this effect to create interest in the thriller and attract the audience is attention. Nathan is introduced in a grey, cloudy colour in the background to create a flash back. A dreamy look suggests to our audience that it is in the past and keeps their interest or the storyline.
When editing our group decided to use effects, which connote the genre: horror and thriller. All of our shots were in a systematic order. Therefore, during editing, we simply added effects, for example, the dreamy, flashback effect. We also decided to a use soundtrack. It builds up with a slow tempo to create an atmosphere and combine with the thriller to produce overall tension. As a group, we decided to produce an amazing thriller, packed with tension and suspense.

Our media thriller represents a typical stereotype of a black male in dark clothing as a villain because that is how most young black teenagers are represented in this generation. Our target audiences are teenagers between the ages of 13-21 years, Therefore, most people between this age group can identify with this look as it appeals to them. However, this thriller could also have a wide audience because this is what happens in modern society. Our decision to use a male and female character is purposely done to appeal to both genders. Our thriller is aiming at young people that are in working class, as it would appeal to them most. The way that our media thriller will attract our audience are the choice of characters. The reason why this attracts our target audience is that our thriller is similar to their day-to-day situation. The location of our thriller is very thrilling and attracts, addresses our audience in a horrifying way to create an atmosphere.

Our group decided to produce in the horror sub-genre. We have decided to produce this genre because most of our group members really enjoy watching horror films and it was an opportunity to produce our own. Our media thriller will attract our audience due to the storyline that is used. This storyline is very effective because it shadows and connects to their personal life. It is based on an inner city drama, which they can readily identify with and understand. The title possession addresses our audience in an emotional way, creating further interest .Our title also tells a bit about the narrative and this raises a question and wants to know about the possession.

The kind of media institution that would distribute our media thriller is a small independent UK release because our storyline would not appeal to a wider audience from other countries because their life styles are different. The location of our media thriller is in Britain because of the iconographic of the council flats therefore this might not appeal and attract other audience for example Americans who usually prefer big, single houses with swimming pools, for this reason that audience will lose interest. I think our thriller could only be released in the UK economy because other countries might not have the stereotype of a black male being the villain and therefore the audience would lose the main part of the storyline.

During construction of this thriller, I have improved in using the apple Mac; how to play, stop, forward and rewind a clips on the keyboard during the process of producing this thriller. I have learnt how to use a camera to present character feelings, for example, a close-up shot of Kristy’s face to make the audience feel sympathetic to her and create an atmosphere on film. I have learnt how to use software’s, for example, final cut pro, how to insert clips on the time line to create a sequence and produce an understandable narrative. I had not created a soundtrack before this coursework. During the process of creating our thriller, I learnt how to produce a soundtrack, which is suitable for a genre.

In hindsight, I think our group could have improved in our organization because we were not fully organized in preparing for filming. In our practice project, I learnt how you use the basic camerawork for example long shot, close-up and medium shots, which help us in the real thriller to produce an effect. Our practice project was about a character that acted suspicious and using basic camerawork for example close up of shoes, gradually starting to reveal the character costume with camera angels to create uncertainty. The two characters that our group used for the practice project were the same character used in our final thriller, as they were brilliant for the sub genre that our group decided to produce as our final thriller.

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