Thursday 26 March 2009

Editing - Day Two

As we had only one more lesson before our deadline we decided to meet up beforehand.
During this session, we realised one of our shots were missing and as we decided to change the order of events another shot was needed.
As it was after college and not everyone was able to come, we left the filming until our last lesson. We worked on the rest of our editing and cut out many of the scenes we had previously edited or thought we needed. We did this as we found it wasted necessary time, and did not do much for our thriller.

We were there for roughly two and a half hours and we were able to get quite a lot done as we already knew what was needed as the order of our clips had been sorted out in the lesson before.

We edited everything that could be done and left the last few scenes for after the shots had been done.
This, the music and credits were the only thing left to do to complete our thriller.

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