Thursday 26 March 2009

Editing Session One.

On our first editing session, we logged and captured the rest of our filming, and this took quite a while, as the camera was playing up a little bit, and so we had to keep switching computers.
When we had finished the log and capture, we set about placing all the clips in the right order, in Final Cut Pro.
Once done, we added transistions, and tried to see which ones would make our film the most thrilling. We chose to do simple ones, as they seem to be most effective, rather than fancy ones.
Additionally, we discussed what we would need to do next editing session, and we decided that we would leave music until the very end.
We ran out of time to do anything else, and stayed a little longer after lesson, although i could not stay to long.
In my abscence though, the editing came along really well, with more clips being added and others discarded.
All we had left to do was other effects, music and credits.

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